Inox Mena

PEKK Allied Resin



1 - Indications :

1. Implant Dentistry: PEKK can be used as an implant material due to its high strength and biocompatibility. It provides stability and support for dental implants, ensuring long-term success.

2. Prosthetic Frameworks: PEKK offers exceptional strength and durabi- lity, making it an ideal material for the fabrication of prosthetic fra- meworks, such as denture bases, partial denture frameworks, and im- plant-supported frameworks like All on four and All on six.

2 - Material Composition :

Same PEKK family Bat

3 - Strength characteristics :

High chemical resistance

Young modulus (2500-3200MPa)
High resistance to abrasion and breakage

4 - Chemical characteristics :

Hydrophobic resin:
-ultra low water absorption ULWA≤ 28 μg/mm3 -water solubility: ≤ 1.3μg/mm3
100% biocompatible:
Monomer free, cultureable, safe and non-cytotoxic.

5 - Available Shades :


Inox seeks to be a unique in manufacturing dental
materials that solve every problem facing Dentists and
Dental technicians by modern solutions that provided